Do’s and Don’ts of Making your Online Wills

Do's and Don'ts of Making your Online Will

Anyone who chooses to create an online must understand the dos and don’ts. What items can you freely include in your Will, and what can you not put in there? At the same time, creating an online will requires that you consider all your assets, both physical and digital ones. But can you include all types of property in a will or testament? If not, what kinds of property are invalid for a will?

Before we get to that point, how much of a real estate property value do you know? Do you know some of your properties that should not make it into your Will? While creating online wills, you should focus on what the process of creating an online will is like. At the same time, you may encounter vital questions that beg for answers in developing and implementing these principles. 

Items to include in your Online Wills

The primary essence of creating a will is to allow you to declare all your assets and what happens at your passing. Your Will or testament is the tool that will put out any possibility of dispute in this case at your demise. At the same time, it designates who gets what property or possession goes to which member of your family or beneficiary gets what. For instance, if you have a grand piano as a possession, and a niece has shown an interest in the property.

You can make up your mind to pass it to the niece who loves it whenever you pass away. Such as possession or planned action should be included as part of your Will. Below are some other items that you can use inside your online Wills. 

  1. Your basic personal information, including full name, phone number, date of birth and personal details.
  2. The legal language that shows your testamentary intent 
  3. An appointed executor who will be in charge of your Will after your departure
  4. The list of the properties you own and the assigned beneficiaries to each of them, including any exception 

In preparing your documents, you may want to spend some time to educate yourself before advancing to conclude and validate your Will. We can also show you some of the ways to prepare the Wills and how to ensure your checklist is complete. In the fourth point above, we stated that although you should include all your landed properties and the rest inside your Will, there are certain exceptions. In the next section, we will consider those exceptions closely. What items or properties should not find their way into your Will or testament?

What you should never include in your Will

You have specific items to include in your Will, but you also have properties that should not enter therein. The overall principle of having a will is to ensure that your legacy and possessions are preserved after you may have left the scene. Otherwise, a man’s death could bring severe legal and legal conflicts and disputes. Below are some items you should not bother to include in your Will, whether an online or a traditional will.

  1. Business interests, which are not investments but the prospects in your plan
  2. Personal wishes and desires that you are yet to receive or possess. Even if you eventually got some of them, but you did not update your Will, it cannot be listed in the last Wills as a property you possess 
  3. Your coverage for any beneficiary with special needs
  4. Properties that you would not like to go through the process of probate
  5. Other specific types of property that you so wish

As for specific types of properties that you should not include in your Will or testament, there is more to that. Let us look closely at this last option.

Do's and Don'ts of Making your Online Will

The types of property not to include in your online Will

When you hear the term ‘will’, you subtly assume that you should include just about everything and anything you possess. But there is a technical side regarding value, significance, sharing and ownership of your legacy. We are not also talking about hiding these properties from your loved ones. Instead, following this way may leave out more benefits to your beneficiaries and will spare them any headaches after your demise. 

We are not suggesting you leave an entire estate without a plan to transfer ownership. Instead, we are saying that you may need to make other special arrangements not included directly in your Will. Some of the workable deals in this regard include the following;

  1. Holding a property within a trust
  2. Property held with the specific beneficiary designations
  3. Jointly owned properties and assets
  4. Gifts with specific conditions and special instructions to adhere to
  5. Properties to be left to a pet

How to leave real estate property an online will

There is some basic information you need to learn when it comes to handling a real estate property in an online will. For instance, if there is a case of leaving the property for a beneficiary, you should be clear about the property description and the details of the beneficiary as well. You have created clarity for the family members and other stakeholders not to argue or dispute such property due to ambiguity. 

However, that step does not imply that the real estate property will not still pass through the necessary probate process. The only way to avoid the probate process for a property is to place it under a trust. In this case, it already defines without another verification that the property now belongs to the beneficiary. Others may insist on probate to verify the process. On the other hand, creating trust can come with some complications and may also prove more expensive. 

The following information is essential if you want to bequeath your real estate property as part of your Will or testament.

  1. The full name of your beneficiary or the heir
  2. The full address of the beneficiary or heir
  3. The intention you have to bequeath that property to the said heir
  4. A complete legal description of the property as stated on the title deed

More to read: How to file your properties into an will online without a lawyer